Protecting Structures Naturally...


KRACKIT is a single component dry powder mixed with water at site to make slurry. The product is soundless non-explosive demolition agent. It does not cause any flyrock, vibration, gas, or dust pollution.


  • Ideally suited for all demolition work, where use of explosive can cause damage, dust pollution, danger or inconvenience to surrounding envoronment.
  • Concrete Cracking, Quarries, Rock Breaking, Mining etc.
  • Amazing exansive strength
  • Easy to use, just add water, pour into hole and then it expands
  • Cracks anything silently and safely
  • No special permit, training, insurance or equipment required.




  • Packing: 25 Kg
  • Yield: 3-3.5 Kg/m for 50mm hole diameter.