Protecting Structures Naturally...


Concrete outside of the laboratory is a much abused material and the general attitude until recent years towards admixtures was of one of disbelief or disinterest. Perhaps it is because concrete has been used for so long and has become common place, that we do not regard it as a complex composite material. Admixtures are capable of imparting considerable physical and economical benefits with respect to concrete; although they are by no means, substitute for poor quality mix ingredients, for use of incorrect mix proportion, or for poor workmanship in transport, placing, compaction and curing.

Admixtures are capable of imparting considerable physical and economical benefits with respect to concrete; although they are by no means, substitute for poor quality mix ingredients, for use of incorrect mix proportion, or for poor workmanship in transport, placing, compaction and curing. Multichem had been offering extremely high quality and varied admixtures with an aim to impart the following properties.

To modify properties of Fresh concrete, mortar and grout so as to:
  • Increase workability without increasing water content or decrease the water content at the same workability
  • Retard or accelerate time of initial setting
  • Reduce or prevent settlement or create slight expansion
  • Modify the rate and/or capacity for bleeding
  • Reduce segregation
  • Improve pump ability
  • Reduce the rate of slump loss
To modify properties of Hardened concrete, mortar and gout so as to:
  • Retard or reduce heat evolution during early hardening
  • Accelerate the rate of strength development at early ages
  • Increase strength (compressive, tensile, or flexural)
  • Increase durability or resistance to severe conditions of exposure, including application of deicing salts
  • Decrease permeability of concrete
  • Control expansion caused by the reaction of alkalies with certain aggregate constituents

Admixtures / Plasticizers Products Overview

Normal Plasticizers

Versatile concrete admixture products to achieve 5% to 8% water reduction for a given workability.

Multiplast N
Super Plasticizers

Versatile concrete admixture products to achieve 8 to 15% water reduction for a given workability.

Multiplast Super
Super Plasticizers with Retardation

Versatile concrete admixture products to achieve 8 to 15% water reduction.

Multiplast Super R
Accelerating plasticizer

Accelerating concrete admixture products are used to either increase rate of stiffening/setting of concrete or to increase the rate of hardening or gain of early strengh of concrete.

Multiplast PowerSet
Hiper Plasticizers

Hiper concrete admixtures are designed to achieve 12 to 40% of water reduction for a given workability or to achieve 200 to 275 mm slump. These are used for low W/C ratio.

Multiplast Superflow
Air Entraining and Plasticizing Admixture (AEA)

Air entraining and Plasticizing Admixture are active chemicals which cause small stable bubles of air to be fomed through the concrete mix to increase resistance to freezing and thawing.

Multiplast AirEnt
Reinforment Protection Additive (RPA)

Reinforment Protection Additives are corrosion inhibition admixtures for increasing durability of concrete structures.

Multiplast ReProtekt
Sprayed Concrete Admixtures(SCA)

Admixtures can be used in the fresh concrete to give stability and hydration control (a form of retardation) before spraying.

Multiplast SprayCon
Shrinkage Reducing Additive and plasticizer (SRA)

Shrinkage reducing admixtures when added to concrete during batching stage, can significantly reduce both early and long term drying shrinkage.

Multiplast AntiShrink
Plasticizer for prevention of Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR)

These plasticizer/admixtures are added to concrete to prevent Alkali Silica Reacitivity.

Multiplast AlkaSil
Anti-washout Admixture (AWA)

Anti-washout admixtures are used to enhance stability of cement-based systems.

Multiplast AntiWash
Grinding aid and special additive for cement

Multicem are special additives as grinding aid and performance enhancer for cement.

Multiplast Multicem