
  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast AirEnt

    Multiplast AirEnt air entraining admixture is surface active chemicals which cause small stable bubbles of air to beformed uniformly through a concrete mix. The bubbles are mostly below 1 mm diameter with a highproportion being below 0.3 mm. The main reason for using Multiplast AirEnt is to improve the freeze thaw and scaling resistance andhence the service life of concrete. The improved cohesion and compaction can also enhance the quality and life of concrete structures. Multiplast AirEnt is used for durable concrete exposed to thermal fluctuations around freezing point (0°C); lean concrete (cement content less than 250 kg/m³) with a low fine sand content for pumping; concrete with lightweight aggregates to improve the homogeneity, workability and application of the mix.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast AlkaSil

    Aggregates form major composition of concrete mix. Aggregates containing certain constituents can react with alkali hydroxides in concrete. The reactivity is potentially harmful only when it produces significant expansion. This damage is normally visible after a decate. This alkali-aggregate reactivity (AAR) has two forms—alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and alkali-carbonate reaction (ACR, sometimes called alkali-carbonate rock reaction, or ACRR). SRA is more often a concern than ACR because the occurrence of aggregates containing reactive silica minerals is more common. Multiplast AlkaSil is designed to arrest alkali-aggregate reation.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast AntiShrink

    Multiplast AntiShirnk, reduces both drying shrinakge and autogeneous shrinkage. Shrinkage-reducing concrete admixture promote expansion of the concrete at about the same volume that normal drying shrinkage is contracting it. The net change in length of the hardened concrete is small enough to prevent shrinkage cracks. Multiplast AntiShrik admixture can be used in situations where shrinkage cracking could lead to durability problems or where large numbers of shrinkage joints are undesirable for economic or technical reasons.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast AntiWash

    Multiplast AntiWash is used for all underwater construction. In hydropower structures and for mass underwater concreting projects like construction of Weir, concreting for dams, erection of caissons, concrete placed under water is inherently susceptible to cement washout, laitance, segregation, cold joints, and water entrapment. Multiplast AntiWash makes concrete suitable for all types of underwater applications.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast Multicem

    The usage of high performance cements has been growing in the last years, as a natural consequences of high performance concrete production. For such high performance cement there is a need for economical and effective admixtures. This can be achieved by optimizing several parameters, ranging from clinker chemistry and reactivity to cement particle size distribution. The production of such high performing cements at a reasonable cost such as clinker content and energy requirement for high fineness grinding can be challenging and the use of Multiplast Multicem cement additives becomes necessory.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast N100/ N200

    Multiplast N100/N200 are normal plasticizers produced from processed lignosulphonates and are supplied as a brown liquids. Generally cement particles tend to clump together and Multiplast N works by improving the dispersion of the agglomerates within the concrete mix which ensures that the cement is used more efficiently.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast Powerset 100/200/300/400

    Multiplast Powerset 100/200/300/400 accelerate setting and hardening time, increase workability, makes concrete placing easier, hence better compaction and finishing. The products can be mixed together to bet desired properties, along with best economical price to performance ratio.

    Multiplast Powerset 100/200/300/400 are water reducing and accelerating admixtures for concrete confirming to BS E N 934 P, art 2: 2001 .IS – 9103: 1999, ASTM C – 494 Type E

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast ReProtekt

    MULTIPLAST RePROTEKT is a special category of liquid concrete admixture that utilizes migrating corrosion inhibitor technology. It protects steel reinforcement, carbon steel or other metal steel imbedded in the concrete. Corrosion induced by carbonation, chloride penetration, and any other means can be prevented using RePROTEKT admixture. When used in the concrete mix RePROTEKT defuses to the surface of reinforcement and forms protective layer thus preventing corrosion.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast SpryCon

    Sprayed concrete and plaster are fast setting and hardening material for stabilization and support of structures and for concrete applications without using any shuttering or mould. Multiplast SprayCon admixture helps in allowing usage of manchine to get multiple of properties of sprayed concrete and plaster. In times of rapidly increasing mobility and limited space, the need for underground infrastructure continues to grow in India and worldwide. With the help of Multiplast SprayCon sprayed concrete plays important role in this trend. This method has high construction speed with economically outstanding, making it the obvious answer to a lot of challenges.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast Super

    Multiplast Super are super plasticizers produced from processed sodium naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde condensate and are supplied as a brown liquids. Generally cement particles tend to clump together and Multiplast Super works by improving the dispersion of the agglomerates within the concrete mix which ensures that the cement is used more efficiently. Improves cohesion reduces the risk of segregation and bleeding and reduces laitance and permeability. Increase in denseness will increase the durability and resistance to attack by aggressive agents corresponding to control mixes. Multiplast Super low cost water reducers, which can be used to get one or combination of benefits.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast Super R

    Multiplast Super R100/R200/R300 are super plasticizers with retardation property, produced from processed lignosulphonates sodium naphthalene sulphonate formaldehyde condensate and are supplied as a brown liquids. Generally cement particles tend to clump together and Multiplast R100/R200/R300 works by improving the dispersion of the agglomerates within the concrete mix which ensures that the cement is used more efficiently. Improves cohesion reduces the risk of segregation and bleeding and reduces laitance and permeability. Increase in denseness will increase the durability and resistance to attack by aggressive agents corresponding to control mixes. Multiplast R100/R200/R300 are low cost water reducers, which can be used to get one or combination of benefits. Retardation properties of Multiplast Super R products are very much suitable where rich cement is used for construction. Delayed setting of concrete reduces heat of hydration thus avoiding thermal cracking.

  • Multichem Product

    Multiplast Superflow 100/200/300/400

    Multiplast SuperFlow 100/200/300/400 are polycarboxylate especially designed to provide high early strength and different levels of slump retention, as well as provide different capabilities to manage air contents in concrete. Generally cement particles tend to clump together and Multiplast SuperFlow 100/200/300/400 work by improving the dispersion of the agglomerates within the concrete mix which ensures that the cement is used more efficiently. Improves cohesion reduces the risk of segregation and bleeding and reduces laitance and permeability. Increase in denseness will increase the durability and resistance to attack by aggressive agents corresponding to control mixes. Multiplast SuperFlow 100/200/300/400 are economically prices water reducers, which can be used to get one or combination of benefits.