Multichem manufactures wide range of products which are capable of solving all day-to-day problems or solution for new structures permanantly.
We are proud to offer vast details for Installation contractors as per their requirment of type of project they carry out.
For successful application of any product, a skilled professional is must. Professional installers are dedicated to high quality results. With Multichem products and intallation guidelines, we help to achieve the best possible results. We also carry out monthly training session if you are new to Multichem’s products.
If you are an Intallation contractor in the field of waterproofing or civil, you can Contact Us to know specific products in your line of intallation.
Multichem Group is a pioneering Indian corporation with over three decades of experience in the construction chemical industry. Offering 600+ innovative products, we cater to diverse sectors like infrastructure, industrial zones, coastal applications, and smart cities
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