Waterproofing Contractors

Multichem Benefits for Waterproofing Contractors:

Multichem offers selected products for waterproofing contractors to get the best result on leakage protection.

Click on the product name to get details on products for different type of waterproofing. You can also visit separate websites at www.multiguardwaterproofing.com, www.roofshield.in and www.rainshield.in.

Surface Preparation Products

Bondcoat AC for Water based waterproofing

MultiThane Primer 21 and Aquablock Primer for Polyurethance and polyurea products

Crackfix for repair of fine cracks

Primemix RM for repair of honeycombed surface.

PrimeGrout SuperAdd 250 N as cement grout additive.

If you wish to become authorised applicator for waterproofing, you may contact us with details.