Epoxy Grouts

PrimeGrout cement grouts with metallic or minaral aggreegates are specially engineered to produce highly flowing, non-bleeding, zero-shrink with extended working time. These hydraulic grouts which when set, produce volume equal to original or slightly higher. Cementitous PrimeGrouts are economical, easy to use and produce high compressive strength. Cement based grouts with non-shrink characteristics are used for filling and grouting of base plates in steel framed buildings, machinery beds, crane rails, balustrades, bridge bearing pads and dowel bars. They can be used from “dry pack” to highly flowable consistencies without compromising on strength and non -shrink properties.
PrimeGrout UltraFill EP-100

PrimeGrout N is a free flowing grout designed to get ultimate strength of 50 N/mm2. Product is used for machine base plates, anchor bolts, column bearings, bridge bearing seats, prestress deck beam keyway grout.

PrimeGrout S is a free flowing grout designed to get ultimate strength of more than 80 N/mm2. Product is suited for machine base plates, anchor bolts, column bearings, bridge bearing seats, prestress deck beam keyway grout.
PMultigrout is a free flowing grout epoxy and mineral modified grout designed to get high early strength of more than 40 N/mm2 within 7 days. Product is suited for machine base plates, anchor bolts, column bearings, bridge bearing seats etc. where early compressive strength and low to high temperature conditions are required.
PrimeGrout EP10 is a free flowing epoxy grout designed for thin section grouting under corrosive and dynamic envoronments.
PrimeGrout EP140 is a free flowing epoxy grout designed for high tempreture environments.
PrimeGrout EP150 is a free flowing epoxy grout designed for medium thick section grouting under corrosive and dynamic envoronments.
PrimeGrout EP300 is a free flowing epoxy grout designed for thick section grouting under corrosive and dynamic envoronments.
PrimeGrout EP400 is a free flowing epoxy grout designed for water tight grouting of pile caps.